Feel Your Best At Any Age

A 10-Minute Love Handle Workout

Sculpt Your Waist In Just 10 Minutes

A Quick & Simple Workout Routine To Chisel Away Your Love Handles

In this article, we are going to introduce to you a ten-minute love handle workout that you can do almost anywhere. 

With this exercise, you will not require special equipment. It’s designed to target your obliques–otherwise known as your ‘side abs’ where love handles build up.

It’s important to note that exercise alone won’t get rid of stubborn fat. You need to eat well, too! So make sure you’re following a smart & healthy diet plan. For more on that, we recommend reading this article from Eating Well.

Now with that in mind, check out this workout recommended by Health to start burning away your belly fat! Here’s the quick-and-dirty version:

A 10-Minute Love Handle Workout

Repeat the following circuit 3 times, moving as quickly as possible from exercise to exercise. Do this routine 3 times a week.

  • 40 Woodchoppers (20 on each side)
  • 50 Russian Twists
  • 30 Side Plank Hip Lifts (15 on each side)
30 Bicycle Crunches



For the entire workout, including detailed instructions and photos, check out the full article at Health.


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