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10 Tips To Start Fasting Today

When you fast for an extended period of time (like 16 hours), your body starts using protein to create new cells, repair damage, and flush out toxins.

Let’s be clear. Fasting is NOT starving yourself. Fasting is a healthy, natural way to lose weight and flush out toxins. Starving yourself will make you fat and destroy your health.

This is why people who do 16-hour fasts experience amazing weight loss, a stronger immune system, and better health. It’s also why many experts say fasting is the best way to detoxify your body.

Plus, when you fast, your body becomes more “efficient” at burning calories.

If you’re serious about anti-aging, you need to get serious about fasting. This is one of the greatest tools you can add to your life.

The benefits of fasting are clear—but it’s not easy to do. That’s why we created 10 beginner’s tips for fasting: to help you figure out if this is something that might work for you.

Here are 10 tips to get you started:

TIP #1: Choose a day when you will not be distracted.

TIP #2: Prepare the night before by getting rid of junk food, sugary drinks, and alcohol from your house.

TIP #3: Start fasting after dinner but not right before bed.

TIP #4: Drink plenty of water.

TIP #5: Exercise for 15-minutes each day. Even just walking fastened a few stairs can help move the toxins out of your body.

TIP #6: Don’t go too hard on the first day. Start with just 8 hours and slowly build up to 16 hours. Then slowly increase your fasting time every other day until you reach 16 hours.

TIP #7: Drink herbal teas and herbal infusions throughout your fast. They can help support the detoxification.

TIP #8: Don’t worry if you feel like crap for the first couple of days—this is normal. It’s part of the detoxification process.

TIP #9: If you feel hungry, drink some water and stay away from places with food. Remember that levels of the ‘hunger hormone’ called ghrelin may increase, but that doesn’t mean you need to eat.

TIP #10: Be consistent. Don’t give up after a few weeks.Give it time—it takes anywhere from 2-4 months to see significant changes in your health.

There you have it. 10 beginner’s tips for fasting. Hopefully they will help you get started.

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