Feel Your Best At Any Age

The Disease of Aging

There is a brand new American company backed by big-name billionaires such as Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner. They are recruiting some of the world’s best experts in anti-aging. Their aim is quite simple; Understand anti-aging, rejuvenation, and how to control it.

The company, called Altos Labs, has already brought on board two award-winning Spanish scientists, Manuel Serrano and Juan Carlos Izpisua. Their reported salaries are to be more than $1 million per year. Their research in cellular reprogramming has already filtered down into NAD IV drips which are considered to be one the best anti-aging therapies available today.

The goal, according to the scientist, is to better understand rejuvenation. Serrano has said on record that through a private corporation, they had the resources and freedom to pick and choose their battles. Due to the cutting-edge nature of his work, he decided to keep further details under wraps. Their work will directly impact currently available anti-aging treatments like Hormone Replacement Therapy. BHRT is commonly used to treat conditions like menopause, hot flashes, mood swings, low libido, and a decline in energy and feeling of wellbeing. BHRT is also an effective treatment for osteoporosis, hair thinning, and memory loss. Our production of certain hormones starts decreasing around our mid 30’s, Altos labs’ work could directly reverse this process.

Serrano has been discussing the concept of rejuvenation since 2017. The most significant change in this field is the recognition of aging as a disease. Something that can be tampered with. It has been possible to reverse it in mice, allowing them to live longer lives. They have also been able to rejuvenate old mice. Just 20 years ago, this would have been science fiction. If it can be done to a mouse, it can be done to humans, according to the doctor. Obviously, it will be more complicated. However, scientist believes that better anti-aging therapies will be available within the next 30 years.

Altos Labs’ long-term plans call for the establishment of several research facilities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Shinya Yamanaka of Japan, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2012, successfully reprogrammed adult cells to behave like stem cells, which is linked to the organization. Some anti-aging applications are skin deep, such as CoolSculpting, which is essentially the process of optimizing your body’s metabolism. Altos Labs’ research could streamline this therapy even further.

The Altos Labs began with a meeting of scientists at Yuri Milner’s mansion in Los Altos Hills, California. In 2013, Manuel Serrano’s team used Yamanaka’s technique on live mice. They observed widespread cell reprogramming, which also resulted in tumor formation. Izpisua used this technique in mice with progeria, a disease that causes premature aging, in 2016. The rodents lived 30 percent longer, and the Spanish scientist declared that “aging could be reversed.”

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