Feel Your Best At Any Age

A “Reset” Button For Aging?

Genetics professor from Harvard close to finding a “reverse aging” solution

What if we could live to be 100 years old and feel like we’re 30? What if there was a way to keep our skin constantly smooth, hair always perfect and gray-less? 

Harvard genetics professor Dr. David Sinclair believes that can happen. A leading researcher in the field of longevity, Dr. Sinclair has spent decades working on ways to reverse aging. He’s the author of Lifespan: Why We Age, and Why We Don’t Have To, and was even one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world of 2014.

In a May 2021 article from InStyle, Dr. Sinclair revealed the key to reversing the aging process. Here’s what he said: ‘Researchers are zeroing in on nine leading causes’ of aging, including ‘shortening of telomeres…loss of stem cells, and an accumulation of so-called senescent cells.” (Whoa, lots of things for you to Google later!)  

On top of that, Dr. Sinclair added that scientists are ‘working to halt the [aging] process through genetic reprogramming.’ They’re doing this by studying a unique sea creature known as the ‘immortal jellyfish,’ which can ‘effectively hit a reset button and revert to an earlier state in its development.’ Sinclair hopes that one day humans will also have a “reset button” for aging.

If some of that went over your head, don’t worry! Here are the two most important takeaways for you:

We now know there are exactly 9 genetic causes of aging. AND scientists are reprogramming our genes to literally stop anti-aging in its tracks!
Just like the immortal jellyfish, we could one day be able to reset our aging with the “push of a button.”

And yes, you read that last part right: A “reset button” for aging! To think that we could instantly  undo years of wrinkles, gray hairs, and baggy eyelids–well that’s just downright amazing!

The future of “forever young” is near. For now, we need to focus on our health and well-being to keep the negative effects of aging at bay. Simple changes to our daily habits and routines can dramatically improve how we look and feel. To learn more, check out these articles from our Anti-Aging blog:

5 Things You Can Do to Age Gracefully As You Hit Your 40s

Stay Looking Young: 7 Anti-Aging Tips

10 Crucial Health Tweaks to Make by Your 50s.


>>>For more on Dr. Sinclair and his findings on reverse aging, read the full article at InStyle.

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