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Are You Aging Too Fast?

Doctor Reveals 3 Telltale Signs

As we grow older, one of the things we fear most is aging too fast.

We know the aging process is simply a natural part of life. But what we don’t want is for that to happen faster than what’s normal for our bodies.

So how do you tell if you’re aging too fast? Let’s find out from Doctor Oz.In his recent blog post, Doctor Oz revealed ‘seven red flags’ that–if spotted early on–could be life-saving!

Warning Sign 1: Cotton mouth

Cotton mouth in the morning may be a sign of sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. To figure out if you have it, determine your ‘snore score’ by answering the following questions. For every ‘yes’ answer, give yourself a point:

Do you snore?

Do you wake up groggy or with a headache?

Do you feel constantly tired or fatigued during the day?

Do you fall asleep reading, watching TV, or driving?

Do you have problems with memory or concentration?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you’re at risk for sleep apnea and you should see your doctor.

Warning Sign 2: Red Eyes

Inflamed eyes could be a sign of arthritis – the painful inflammation and stiffening of joints. The same cellular process that causes inflammation in your joints can cause inflammation in your eyes, turning them red.

Studies have shown that the sooner you treat arthritis, the better the long-term results, so visit your doctor at the first sign of trouble.

Warning Sign 3: Graying Skin

If your skin doesn’t seem to ‘glow’ in the way it used to, it may be a red flag for kidney problems. Ordinarily, your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which are then excreted in your urine. When chronic kidney failure reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and wastes can accumulate in your body. The ‘good news’ is that kidney problems can cause anemia, which will lead to a gray-skin warning sign. If you notice your skin looking duller than usual, be sure to check in with your doctor. ”



Read More >>> See 7 more must-make health tweaks at The Healthy
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