Feel Your Best At Any Age

Top 2 Anti-Aging Compounds

NAD+ and resveratrol are the two most important anti-aging compounds in the world. They are known as the “motherload” of age-fighting superfoods.

They both play a role in your helath and energy levels

Let’s start with NAD+. It’s an essential coenzyme that makes your cells live longer, which in turn boosts energy. It has been proven to regenerate muscle mass, bone density, boost your immune system and increase libido.

Next, Resveratrol. It’s another high impact anti-aging compound. It has been shown to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, improve blood flow, lower cholesterol and prevent cancer.

And when used together, they have a cumulative effect on your health and energy. But unfortunately, most Americans get less than 1 mg of resveratrol per day. That’s why I recommend taking both NAD+ and resveratrol in superfood form. You can find these two potent superfoods in many different forms including but not limited to:

1. Green Tea: This is one of the best sources of resveratrol on the planet. One cup of green tea has more resveratrol than 2-3 glasses of wine. Add a little cinnamon for an extra energy boost!

2. Acai Berry: This is another powerful source of resveratrol. One serving (about 1/4 cup) has nearly 10 times the resveratrol as red wine. Acai berries are available in powder, juice, and bar form. 

3. Green Vegetables: These are a great natural source of NAD+ for the body. Some of these include beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, watercress and turnip greens.

4. Mushrooms: These little guys can naturally boost your NAD levels, so they should be part of your daily diet. A great way to enjoy mushrooms is to eat them like savory candy! 

Just remember to avoid the toxic “nightshade” family members like eggplant, tomatoes, and potatoes. They contain high levels of the enzyme that breaks down resveratrol.

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